We all wanted to have a giant tree house in our backyard where we could rad our comic books, play board games, trade baseball cards, and do all kinds of kid things. Of course, we would just end up building forts in someone's backyard from leftover lumber one of our Dad's had or something we could scavenge from a nearby abandoned factory.
Shows like Treehouse Masters or other similar ones didn't exist back then. We still wouldn't have been able to build the houses but it would have brought the imagination to life and maybe expanded upon the basic forts built on the ground.
When I started searching for ideas on my treehouse, there are plenty of them out there. Here is one I looked at to fit our Squad's HQ.
I have seen some trees that are gigantic like the one our friends take refuge in. These trees are spectacular. They exhibit power and perseverance that gives the strength to be steadfast through time.